America Bonding Co. - Angola
America Bonding is a company that is engaged in the business of writing bail bonds. All but a few states have provision in their laws whereby a person charged with a crime may be released by either posting their bail amount in full or by paying a specified percentage for the bond to a bail agent.

The bail agent and his or her company in turn provide the court with a guarantee that the defendant will appear in court or the bonding company will either produce the defendant or pay the full amount of the bail bond to the court. Our profession serves the criminal justice system. Individually, we serve the victims of crime. This is the process of a bail bond.

We serve those who desire to be bonding agents within our network.

No Company Offers More...


We offer our independent bail agents far more than ample power inventories and same day replacements. Explore what a truly unprecedented level of services and support can do for your business.


You work around the clock - so do we. Each and every person in our company is fiercely committed to the success and growth of our independent bail bond agents. No company in bail invests more in time and other resource to help our agents achieve brighter futures.


We are looking for a select group of elite, qualified agents who are willing to take the next step and sign on with a bail bond agency with over 25 years of experience in the insurance and bail bond business. With that, amazing possibilities exist.

How We Do It

We carefully evaluate many factors when we seek an area to place an agent.

After selecting an area, we then seek honest and ethical people to represent us. We then approach them on an individual: and confidential basis. We know that not everyone is suitable to be a bail agent with us, consequently we are very selective.

After our selection process is complete, we provide assistance in the required licensing and supply the most comprehensive training in the industry. At this point, we provide our proven marketing and advertising techniques and complete support services. We want you to be as successful in the business as you can be, while we work hard to prove it to you.

Our goal is to provide a professional, qualified, and service oriented bail agent wherever bail bonds are written or used by the courts. Join us so that you can learn from one of the best and most progressive agencies in America.

We make bonding as simple as A B C...

America Bonding Co.
112 W Broad St
Angola IN 46703-1527
Tel: 260 668-3592
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